Burnaby, BC
Real Estate Price and Market Trends

Burnaby, BC

1. Where are Burnaby prices headed?

Burnaby House Prices

Burnaby Townhouse Prices

Burnaby Condo Apartment Prices

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Metro Vancouver Home Price Forecast

2. What are Burnaby Purchase and Listing Trends?

House Market

Townhouse Market

Condo Apartment Market

Is the Burnaby market balanced?

Sub-markets of Metro Vancouver have fewer monthly transactions and this means that a small number of home sales can have an oversized influence on the reported statistics. We always recommend buyers and sellers watch both the local market and the regional Metro Vancouver Report. A sub-market can outperform (or underperform) the region but the saying "a rising tide floats all ships" applies to real estate too. A sub-market can't trend differently from the region for very long.


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